Editorial Guidelines

Editorial Guidelines for www.NicholsonsJournal.com blog

NicholsonsJournal.com is a website dedicating to improving understanding of William Nicholson (1753-1815) his life and myriad works.

His interests and accomplishments were extensive and there is much to explore. So, I am keen to share the load on the blog by publishing guest blog posts by experts who can shed light on specific aspects of Nicholson’s activities.

Articles should be written with the general reader in mind, have a direct connection to Nicholson, and should be up to 800 words in length.

Topics of particular interest include:

  • commentary on his inventions and their significance;
  • reviews of his publications;
  • profiles of his friends and acquaintances with a focus on their activities together; and
  • information relating to his business activities
  • historical connections to present-day events or inventions.

The following apply to all submissions:

  • If you have an idea for a blog topic, send an email with a brief synopsis and your credentials to info@nicholsonsjournal.com.
  • Prior to submission, contributors should review the blog’s overall content, style, and tone.
  • If an article is accepted for publication, we reserve the right to request further information or amendments.
  • We are not obliged to publish a blog article once it has been received.
  • We do not accept paid content or any content that might be construed as advertising.
  • There is no payment for published articles and images. All materials are donated by the authors, collections, photographers, and artists.
  • Manuscripts must be submitted electronically as a MS Word document attachment.
  • Please use British spellings and refer to New Hart's Rules: The Oxford StyleGuide.
  • Images may be sent electronically via email, the file-WeTransfer or DropBox. Images must be high resolution (300 dpi or greater) and permissions and photo credits/sources must be included.
  • Please supply a brief biographical statement about the author (one or two sentences) and any social media links.
  • You may include a single hyperlink to a website within the blog or the biography.

July 2020

Exploring the life and publications
of William Nicholson 1753-1815